Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I Signed Up to Do JuNoWriMo

It is day four of JuNoWriMo, a month-long writing extravaganza. The goal is to write at least 1,667 words per day, every day of a novel, for the month of June. Last November, I tried to do a little NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and did not get very far as November is a crazy month for me.

Summertime is a little more relaxed and this seemed like a good fit. So far I've met my writing goals and enjoyed the push past my inner editor. Not only am I hoping to get closer to finishing my current WIP, I am also hoping to use the experience as a training ground for writing more, longer, faster. Yes, it's hectic, but the practice of making time and squeezing little bits of time for writing is what will help me and this is an immersion into that process. It takes a few weeks to develop a new habit, and I think JuNoWriMo is just enough time to get used to cranking out the words.

I plan to continue writing blog posts, but they may be shorter. (Ha!) I also want to thank Ms. Banana for being my first commenter. Yay!

Any advice from veteran NaNo or JuNoWriMo-ers? Any other newbies like me? If you are signed up, and are a romance writer, please consider joining the Romance group at JuNoWriMo.

Happy Writing! Apologies in advance for my late-night, slap-happy tweets. ;)

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