Sunday, February 24, 2013

Getting Started


I'm getting this blog up and going today. My goal is to post once a week as I work on my writing. I am working on a novel, the first of a three-part series. I hope to share observations, frustrations, and triumphs along the way.

I have been inspired and encouraged by many author/writer blogs. The bloggers themselves may not have even known I was there, clicking around and reading old posts, but I am grateful for their generosity.

I am also immensely grateful and humbled by my family's support of my writing. Yes, I still have my day job, but the fact that my husband supports me following a dream of writing makes me feel very, very lucky. Thank you, sweetie, for believing in me.

I've loved romance novels since I can remember. LOVED them. So, when I think of telling stories, my mind goes to the romance genre. Real life is tricky and complicated, peppered with moments of finding-your-happy. Reading and writing bring me a wonderful mix of joy and consternation. So, as one of my favorite teachers used to say, "Off you go!" Gulp. Here goes.